Creating, Living Inspired, More than Merely Existing

Archive for the ‘Lonely’ Category


my heart aches, it continues to break.  normal days come and go.  demons won’t go away.  they merely hide until i think i’m safe.  faith fades and then reignites just as quickly.  loneliness is my friend and my enemy.  being alone comforts and being alone kills.  prayers seem insignificant yet necessary.  thoughts remain fragmented instead of coherent.  ramblings to most, life to me.

A Great Plan

God has a great plan…  or something like that.  The past few months, there have been no signs of a plan.  There are the pieces of a life scattered about the ground.  There are broken bits that were once love, happiness, stability, friendship, faith, family, friends and those bits made up a life… a happy life.  And from the outside one would see a quiet, seemingly content life.  Those who see that don’t see the scars, the deep cuts on the soul, the wounds that may never heal.  There are good days, days life doesn’t seem quite as bad, that hope is awakened in her dull eyes.  But the bad days, those are the days to watch out for.  The bad days outnumber the good, the tears flow freely from burning eyes, the ache in her chest feels like at any moment her chest cavity will explode, the anger is at the edge of her tongue, dripping slowly just waiting to burst forth and rip into the next undeserving soul who looks at her in a less than caring way.  There is no sign of a plan, there should be a hint of a plan, where is the damn plan?  Picking up those bits and pieces is more difficult than one would think… is that the plan?  Is the plan simply to make yourself look close to the way you used to?  Is the plan simply to exist until you once again have faith in a God that you have questioned continually for months?  What is the plan?  At what point do you figure you maybe aren’t meant for greater things?  Right now, there is no great plan.  Right now, there is only a small flicker of hope in a pair of dull, life-weary eyes, that simply wants to make it through a day without the pain from memories that sneak up on her…. Right now, she would settle for a mediocre plan that consisted of something that resembles the life she left behind.




Listening: Who Are You When I’m Not Looking (Blake Shelton), Hard to Love (Lee Brice), Stop the World (Matthew West). Over You (Miranda Lambert)


Eating: pizza (lots of pizza), cheese and crackers, pork burgers & brats


Reading: Imperfect Birds, my dear friend Melissa’s articles and blogs


Wanting to read: Slave by John MacArthur


Really liking: sleep, time with friends, VitaminWater, Edy’s Fruit Bars


Disliking: work, arrogance, inconsiderate people, depression


Discovering: all the imperfections


Looking forward to: hanging out with Jess, a week away from work, time with family


Watching: Criminal Minds, Big Bang Theory, TrueBlood


Drinking: VitaminWater, sweet tea, Diet Dr. Pepper


Wearing: shorts & tanks, Dr. Suess pj’s, hot pink tennis shoes


Wanting: a pick me up, inspiration, fire, love


Needing: light in my life, uplifting words, more faith



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